Age: 24 years old 
Came to Unity Housing Support : March 2021 - Left July 2022 
G.C Was originally referred to us as a vulnerable homeless man suffering with a leg injury, and suffering from depression. G.C Came to us via a referral from the local authority, he was provided with a ground floor studio flat in North West London. 
After understanding G.C’s aims and ambitions, we generated an agreed support plan to help him achieve his long term goals. In his case, it was to return to the world of professional sports. 
We assisted with access to the correct finances and made sure he was receiving the benefits he was entitled to. We arranged for him to sign up with a local GP, who gave him a full medical, and arranged for physio for his leg injury. As time went on we found out from G.C that his leg injury happened during a football match and was playing with a well known football club, but they released him because of his leg injury. We spoke to someone we knew who was a football coach and asked if she would help him to strengthen his leg muscles, which she did. 
During his time with us G.C was able to access the right treatment for his leg and also accessed mental health support. Over a period of time whilst receiving weekly support from Unity Housing Support he started to play for another club. He later found out that a football scout was going to attend his club. G.C was chosen and was offered a place with an English league one football club, which included accommodation. We were so happy for G.C and he moved out of our accommodation having achieved everything outlined as his long term goal. G.C achieved this through his own determination, however he stated that the help of Unity Housing Support aided him in having the space and support to achieve this impressive outcome. 
If you are a Landlord with properties in and around London and would like guaranteed rental income at market value then find out more here. Local authorities or other relevant groups or bodies suitable to identify support needs contact us for more information. 
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